All of us at Critter Care Animal Hospital want to continue to be here for you and your furry/feathered/scaled companions during this tough time. Following the recommendations of our professional organizations (AVMA, CVMA), and to aid in social distancing, we have been instituting some changes this week. We will continue with these precautions as long as necessary.
The most important part: Urgent and emergency appointments and surgeries will be accommodated.
We are maintaining our usual business hours: M/T/R/F 8 to 6, W/S 8 to noon as long as we are legally allowed to do so.
1. We are postponing well-visits and elective procedures at this time. We are currently scheduling for April and we hope we won’t have to move those rescheduled appointments. Puppies and kittens with firm vaccination series timetables will be accommodated.
2. We are offering telemedicine services for existing patients. We can often accomplish what we need to with some videos or photos and a thorough telephone conversation. There is a charge for this service.
3. We are offering curbside pickup or Priority Mail shipping ($10) of medications. We also have an online pharmacy and Purina Vet Direct food ordering available on this website under “Resources” –> “Online Pharmacy” and “Purina Vet Direct”
4. If you or someone you have been in contact with has been ill, please do not come into our facility. We can come out to your vehicle to get your pet.
5. The hospital is a no-handshake zone, really elbow bumps aren’t great either. Try to maintain the recommended 6-foot distance from other people.
6. Any staff experiencing any illness will be staying home.
7. All front desk surfaces, the front door and the exam rooms are disinfected after each client.
While these precautions may seem a bit excessive, I feel it is extremely important to do our bit in flattening the curve so that our counterparts in human medicine aren’t overwhelmed by a surge of Coronavirus cases. Additionally, if we use fewer personal protective equipment supplies (gloves, masks, etc.) as an industry, those supplies are freed up for the human medicine side. Finally, if we have a verified Coronavirus exposure in our hospital, the government will shut us down for a period of time and then we won’t be able to help even the sick critters.
Please stay tuned to this blog and our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/CritterHospital/ for breaking updates.
Thank you for your understanding and for doing your part to slow this virus down.
Dr. Liza
I found an injured bird and was wondering if you rehab birds etc
Wildlife rehab groups: